Validators & Full-Nodes
Set Up a Full Node

Set Up a Full Node

Installing and running a full node allows you to read orderbook and onchain data from a network, as well as place, confirm and cancel orders directly on that network.

Code snippets on this page use example values. Replace them with your own. See the Network Configuration section of the documentation for network constants and other resources you need to configure a full node.


To run a full node, the system that hosts the node must meet the following minimum requirements:

  • Linux (Ubuntu Server 22.04.3 or later recommended)
  • 8-core CPU (ARM or x86_64 architecture)
  • 64 GB RAM
  • 500 GB SSD NVMe Storage

Choose a Method

To set up a full node, you can either:

  1. Use this script (opens in a new tab), provided by dYdX, to automate setup.

Save the script with an .sh extension in your $HOME directory. Edit the script, replacing default values in fields such VERSION and CHAIN-ID with your own. Run the script with the following commands:

To find the current version of the dYdX foundation (opens in a new tab) mainnet, see the recommended protocol version on (opens in a new tab). To find network constants such as chain IDs, see the Network Configuration section of the documentation.

cd $HOME
  1. Or, follow the steps on this page to manually set up a full node.

Manual Installation Steps

The following steps will guide you through manually setting up a full node.

Run the commands in this procedure from your home directory unless otherwise specified. To change directories to your home folder, run the following command:

cd $HOME

Step 1: Update your system and prepare to install dependencies

To download system updates and install curl (opens in a new tab),jq (opens in a new tab), and lz4 (opens in a new tab), run the following commands:

sudo apt-get -y update
sudo apt-get install -y curl jq lz4

Step 2: Install Go

To install Go (opens in a new tab), run the following commands using the latest version of Go:

# Example for AMD64 architecture and Go version 1.22.2
wget # Download the compressed file
sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.22.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz # Extract the file to /usr/local
rm go1.22.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz # Delete the installer package

Add the Go directory to your system $PATH:

echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:$HOME/go/bin' >> $HOME/.bashrc # Write to your .bashrc profile

Step 3: Install Cosmovisor and create data directories

Cosmovisor (opens in a new tab) is a process manager for Cosmos SDK-based blockchains that enables automatic binary updates without downtime. To install the latest version of Cosmovisor, run the following command:

go install

To create data directories for Cosmovisor, run the following commands:

mkdir -p $HOME/.dydxprotocol/cosmovisor/genesis/bin
mkdir -p $HOME/.dydxprotocol/cosmovisor/upgrades

Step 4: Download the dydxprotocold binary

The dydxprotocold binary contains the software you need to operate a full node. You must use the same version of the software as the network to which you want to connect. To find the current version of the dYdX foundation (opens in a new tab) mainnet, see the recommended protocol version on (opens in a new tab).

Option 1: Find and download that protocol binary from the v4 Chain Releases (opens in a new tab) page.

For example, for protocol version 5.0.5 on an AMD system, download dydxprotocold-v5.0.5-linux-amd64.tar.gz.

Option 2: Download the binary with curl, replacing the version numbers and architecture of the package as needed:

# curl example for protocol version 5.0.5 on AMD64 architecture
curl -L -O

Step 5: Move dydxprotocold to your Cosmovisor /genesis directory

After you download the binary, moving dydxprotocold into your Cosmovisor data directory allows you to use Cosmovisor for no-downtime binary upgrades. To extract, rename, and move the file to your Cosmovisor data directory, run the following commands:

# Example for AMD64 architecture
sudo tar -xzvf dydxprotocold-v5.0.5-linux-amd64.tar.gz # Extract the file
sudo mv ./build/dydxprotocold-v5.0.5-linux-amd64 ./.dydxprotocol/cosmovisor/genesis/bin/dydxprotocold # Move the file to /.dydxprotocol and rename it
rm dydxprotocold-v5.0.5-linux-amd64.tar.gz # Delete the installer package
rm -rf build # Delete the now-empty /build directory

Add the dydxprotocold directory to your system $PATH:

echo 'export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.dydxprotocol/cosmovisor/genesis/bin' >> $HOME/.bashrc # Write to your .bashrc profile

Step 6: Initialize your node

To initialize your node, provide the ID of the chain to which you want to connect and create a name for your node. The dYdX home directory is created in $HOME/.dydxprotocol by default. Replace the example values dydx-mainnet-1 and my-node with your own and run the following command:

# Example for DYDX token holders on mainnet
dydxprotocold init --chain-id=dydx-mainnet-1 my-node

See the Network Configuration section of the documentation for chain IDs and other network constants.

When you initialize your node, dydxprotocold returns your default node configuration in JSON.

Step 7: Update your node configuration with a list of seed nodes

A seed node acts as an address book and helps your node join the network. To update config.toml with a list of seed nodes, run the following command:

Check the Resources (opens in a new tab) page for an up-to-date list of seed nodes for the network to which you want to connect.

# Example for DYDX token holders on mainnet
sed -i 's/seeds = ""/seeds = "'"${SEED_NODES[*]}"'"/' $HOME/.dydxprotocol/config/config.toml

The preceding command updates the seeds variable of config.toml with the list you provide.

Step 8: Use a snapshot as your node's initial state

Using snapshots to restore or sync your full node's state saves time and effort. Using a snapshot avoids replaying all the blocks from genesis and does not require multiple binary versions for network upgrades. Instead, your node uses the snapshot as its initial state.

Clear your data directory

If you already have a data directory at $HOME/.dydxprotocol/data, you must clear it before installing a snapshot, which comes with its own data directory. To clear your data directory while retaining files you need, follow these steps:

First, make a backup copy of priv_validator_state.json in your .dydxprotocol directory by running the following command:

# Make a copy of priv_validator_state.json and append .backup
cp $HOME/.dydxprotocol/data/priv_validator_state.json $HOME/.dydxprotocol/priv_validator_state.json.backup

Next, confirm the following:

  • A backup file, priv_validator_state.json.backup, exists in your current directory.
  • The original priv_validator_state.json exists in the /data directory to be deleted.
  • No other files exist in the /data directory to be deleted.
ls $HOME/.dydxprotocol # Confirm that the backup exists in /.dydxprotocol
ls $HOME/.dydxprotocol/data # Confirm that only priv_validator_state.json exists in /data

Finally, to clear the data directory, removing it and all files inside, run the following command:

# WARNING: This command recursively deletes files and directories in the dydxprotocol /data directory. Make sure you know what you are deleting before running the command.
rm -rf $HOME/.dydxprotocol/data

Installing a snapshot will create a new /data directory.

Install the Snapshot

To download and extract the snapshot contents to the default dydxprotocol home directory, first change directories into /.dydxprotocol. To change directories, run the following command:

cd $HOME/.dydxprotocol

Next, find a provider for your use case on the Snapshot Service (opens in a new tab) page. Use the provider's instructions to download the snapshot into your $HOME/.dydxprotocol directory.

For example, if you are connecting to dydx-mainnet-1, you may use the provider Polkachu (opens in a new tab). In most cases, you can run wget <snapshot-web-address>.

Next, run the following command in your $/HOME/.dydxprotocol directory, replacing the example value your-snapshot-filename:

lz4 -dc < your-snapshot-filename.tar.lz4 | tar xf -

Extracting the snapshot creates a new /data folder in your current directory, .dydxprotocol.

Next, use the backup file priv_validator_state.json.backup you created to reinstate /data/priv_validator_state.json with the following command:

mv $HOME/.dydxprotocol/priv_validator_state.json.backup $HOME/.dydxprotocol/data/priv_validator_state.json

Finally, change directories back to your $HOME directory for the rest of the procedure. Run the following command:

cd $HOME

When you start your full node, it will automatically use the snapshot in your data directory to begin syncing your full node's state with the network.

Step 9: Create a system service to start your full node automatically

To create a systemd service that starts your full node automatically, run the following commands:

sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/dydxprotocold.service > /dev/null << EOF
Description=dydxprotocol node service
ExecStart=/$HOME/go/bin/cosmovisor run start --non-validating-full-node=true
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable dydxprotocold

The system service definition above holds environment variables. When you start it, the service will run the command /$HOME/go/bin/cosmovisor run start --non-validating-full-node=true.

The flag --non-validating-full-node is required. It disables the functionality intended for validator nodes and enables additional logic for reading data.

Step 10: Start the service

To start your node using the systemd service that you created, run the following command:

sudo systemctl start dydxprotocold

When you want to stop the service, run the following command:

sudo systemctl stop dydxprotocold

When you start your full node it must sync with the history of the network. If you initialized your full node using a snapshot, your node must update its state only with blocks created after the snapshot was taken. If your node's state is empty, it must sync with the entire history of the network.

Check your service logs to confirm that your node is running

sudo journalctl -u dydxprotocold -f

If your system service dydxprotocold is running, the preceding command streams updates from your node to your command line. Press Ctrl + C to stop viewing updates.

Finally, confirm that your full node is properly synchronized by comparing its current block to the dYdX Chain:

  • To find the network's current block, see the Block Height of your network with a block explorer, such as (opens in a new tab).
  • To find your full node's height, query your node with the following command:
curl localhost:26657/status

When your full node's latest block is the same as the network's latest block, your full node is ready to participate in the network.

Next Steps

When your full node is up to date with the network, you can use it to read live data and configure additional settings. Learn more on the Running a Full Node page.